Posted in Blog

How long has it been since I last blogged?

Too long. I am sorry. Possible excuses: 1. I’ve been busy. That’s true, but how many hours do I spend in front of YouTube when I’m NOT busy? 2. I’m always too tired. This is also true, but again, there have been plenty of opportunities in which I could have blogged earlier in the day before I exhausted myself. So if it’s not #1 and it’s not #2, then it must be #3… I’m a lazy and horrible Continue reading “How long has it been since I last blogged?”

Posted in Teenage Life

You know those nights

When you’re sitting at your computer at 3am wondering how you’re still awake and how it is possible to not yet be sleepy? Yeah…If only these would come when I actually had something to do with my time at 3am.

Lucky, it is a very good time to fill up Bri’s website with useless garble about how you’re still awake at 3am. Enjoy.

Posted in Teenage Life

Hypocritical Advice from a High School Senior

So for a blog today I’m basically just writing a cliche advice column aimed at incoming freshman in high school. That said, I didn’t really focus on the academic aspect of school; these three tips are more of just general advice that will make high school easier (or at least bearable). If you have any other advice you should definitely leave it in the comments. Continue reading “Hypocritical Advice from a High School Senior”